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Friday, February 17, 2012

Relationship Between Facts and Theories

A fact that I selected as something that happened when I was growing up is puberty. Puberty is a process that takes place to all human beings during teenage years. According to Feldman 2008, puberty is the period during which the sexual organ of teenagers matures. Feldman said that “puberty begins when the pituitary gland in the brain signals other glands in child’s body to begin producing the sex hormones, androgen (male hormones) or estrogens (female hormones), at adult levels”. Normally, girls start the puberty stage approximately at age 11 or 12 and boys start somewhere between age 13 and 14.  (Feldman 2008, p.373-4) On the other hand, we can say that puberty is a stage after childhood and before adulthood. Also, puberty is about mental and physical changes that takes place in a teenagers’ body. 

Dad Shoots Daughter's Laptop After Facebook Post” My Dude Right Here

This is the kind of father we need around this time. This era and generation is so hooked-up and dependent on the video games and gadgets. This dude reminds me of what my parents told me when I was a teenager that "to grow up, do what is the best, expect to take total responsibility of my life and pave my way to prosperity and no hand-outs, but the sky is the limit; or choose to wait and not listen to them as they were the only true love I had and face the world cruelty, wolf-like so called friends and associates to chew me up and spit me out like nothing". 


I have a question? Who said that you are Christian? Yes I’m asking the reader? You call yourself Christian and that's all that really matters? Isn’t that so? I never heard of anyone going around asking for affidavit of support from anyone just proving that he or she is Christian or a member of any other religion for that matter.  For Christians, remember, in the Bible not all who shouts Christ's name and go to church every Sunday are true Christians, but you must believe in the trinity; and have faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain( Matthew 17:20). Don’t be like Thomas who did not believe his fellow disciples that Jesus came to them to reassure and reaffirm Christianity that he won the death and crucifixions. Based on Thomas story and him seek to see and touch Jesus’ wounds so that he can prove and believe that is true him, the holy Bible tells us that Jesus came back while the disciples were barricaded in hiding while doors and windows locked fearing of prosecutions, and he asked Thomas to prove his point and added that “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:26-29).

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Imaginary Africa: The Motherland For All

African map
The poverty of Tanzanians and Africans in general is not the poverty of Money and or materials; it is the poverty of heart, knowledge, information, psychology of successful life and deficit of leadership in general. Africans cannot be proud if the houses, cars, furnishing and all bunch of materialistic things we have seen in the so called African leaders and their crony investors and pep-crooks who aim one thing and one thing only to keep Africa as it is in order to leave the corrupting gateway that benefit African leaders and the multi-national corporations. We have seen these mansions, luxurious cars and materialistic things from these people; it could be better for Africans and African pride, if and big if they were built, manufactured and promoted by materials from Tanzania and or Africa. But I guarantee you that less than 1% of the materials and man power (physical and mental) used to make these flying fancy materialistic things came from Tanzania and or Africa combined. The rest came from Asia (Arab world and China).

Super Bowl XLVI (2012)

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl XLVI (2012) New York Giants are facing New England Patriots in Indianapolis, Indiana. How fun, them Super Bowl parties are going to be? We gonna blast them. We can’t wait to see who is going to emerge as the winner. Emotions are high and exited at the same time. But also, them commercials are going to kill it. You better be prepared because they will rock your world. Laughing is fun and healthy because it releases stress. Also laughing is the ultimate happiness. It is inspirational for children seen grown-ups gather together, laughing and become playful. Make this Super Bowl stress free and healthy.